Forest Genetic Resources Training Guide

Key background publications

The following documents give more background to the issues raised in this module and can be used by the teacher to strengthen their knowledge and help give ideas about the topics.


CIFOR. n.d. Criteria and indicators toolbox [online]. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for
International Forestry Research.
Web page  [1] | alternative copy

Forest Stewardship Council. 2012. FSC Principles and criteria for forest
stewardship. FSC-STD-01-001 V5-0 EN. Bonn, Germany: FSC. Available from:
Web page  [2] | alternative copy

Jennings, SB, Brown, ND, Boshier, DH, Whitmore, TC, Lopes, J. do CA. 2001
Ecology provides a pragmatic solution to the maintenance of genetic diversity in
sustainably managed tropical rain forests. Forest Ecology & Management 154:
Web page  [3] | alternative copy

Ledig, FT. 1992. Human impacts on genetic diversity in forest ecosystems. Oikos
63: 87-108.
Web page  [4] | alternative copy

Finkeldey R. 2005. An Introduction to Tropical Forest Genetics. Institute of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany. pp. 448-456, 548-553, 567-570
Web Page  [5] |  alternative copy  [6] (5.1 MB)

Geburek T, Turok J. eds. 2005. Conservation and management of forest genetic resources in Europe. Arbora Publishers, Zvolen Slovakia. pp. 335-434,  [7] (17.5 MB)  448-456  [8] (12.3 MB),  548-553  [9] (36.0 MB),  567-570  [9] (36.0 MB)




FAO, DFSC, IPGRI. 2001. Forest genetic resources conservation and management. Vol. 2: In managed natural forests and protected areas (in situ). International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Web Page  [10] |  alternative copy  [11] (1.4 MB)

FAO, FLD, IPGRI. 2004a. Forest genetic resources conservation and management. Vol. 1: Overview, concepts and some systematic approaches. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Web Page   [12]|  alternative copy  [13] (714 KB)

FAO, FLD, IPGRI. 2004b. Forest genetic resources conservation and management. Vol. 3: In plantations and genebanks (ex situ). International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Web Page  [14] |  alternative copy  [15] (978 KB)

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