Forest Genetic Resources Training Guide

Principales publications

Les document suivants fournissent plus d'informations générales sur les problèmes soulevés dans ce module et peuvent être utilisés par l'enseignant pour enrichir les connaissances et donner des idées sur ces sujets.

FAO, DFSC, IPGRI. 2001. Forest genetic resources conservation and management. Vol. 2: In managed natural forests and protected areas (in situ). International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Web Page  [1] |  alternative copy  [2] (1.4 Mo)

FAO, FLD, IPGRI. 2004a. Forest genetic resources conservation and management. Vol. 1: Overview, concepts and some systematic approaches. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Web Page  [3] |  alternative copy  [4] (714 Ko)

FAO, FLD, IPGRI. 2004b. Forest genetic resources conservation and management. Vol. 3: In plantations and genebanks (ex situ). International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Web Page  [5] |  alternative copy  [6] (978 Ko)

Finkeldey R. 2005. An Introduction to Tropical Forest Genetics. Institute of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany.

Web Page  [7] |  alternative copy  [8] (2.8 Mo)

Geburek T, Turok J. eds. 2005. Conservation and management of forest genetic resources in Europe. Arbora Publishers, Zvolen Slovakia.
Local CD-ROM copy:  Rotach 535-565  [9] (5.1 Mo),  Skroppa 567-583  [10] (3.5 Mo),  Geburek-Schadauer 499-512  [11] (4.9 Mo),  Koch 513-533  [12] (5.0 Mo)

IUCN/Species Survival Commission. 2008. Strategic planning for species conservation: an overview. Version 1.0. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
Web Page  [13] |  alternative copy  [14] (7.7 Mo)

Revised Recovery Plan Guidelines for Nationally Listed Threatened Species and Ecological Communities under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Environment Australia, June 2002.
Web Page  [15] | alternative copy

Eriksson G., Ekberg I. and Clapha D., 2006 An introduction to Forest Genetics
Web Page  [16] |  alternative copy  [17] (7.6 Mo)

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