Principales publications

Les document suivants fournissent plus d'informations générales sur les problèmes soulevés dans ce module et peuvent être utilisés par l'enseignant pour enrichir les connaissances et donner des idées sur ces sujets.

Boffa J. 2000. West African agroforestry parklands: keys to conservation and sustainable management. Unasylva 51:11-17.

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Boshier DH, Gordon JE, Barrance AJ. 2004. Prospects for circa situm tree conservation in Mesoamerican dry forest agro-ecosystems. In: Frankie GW, Mata A, Vinson SB, editors. Biodiversity Conservation in Costa Rica, Learning the Lessons in the Seasonal Dry Forest. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA. pp. 210–226.
Web Page |  alternative copy (342 Ko)

Boshier DH. 2004. Agroforestry systems: important components in conserving the genetic viability of native tropical tree species? In: Schroth G, Fonseca G, Harvey CA, Gascon C, Vasconcelos HL, Izac AMN, editors. Agroforestry and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Landscapes. Island Press, USA. pp. 290-314.
Web Page |  alternative copy (179 Ko)

Dawson IK, Lengkeek A, Weber JC, Jamnadass R. 2009. Managing genetic variation in tropical trees: linking knowledge with action in agroforestry ecosystems for improved conservation and enhanced livelihoods. Biodiversity and Conservation 18:969-986.
Web Page |  alternative copy (273 Ko)

Geburek T, Turok J. eds. 2005. Conservation and management of forest genetic resources in Europe. Arbora Publishers, Zvolen Slovakia.  Geburek-Schadauer 499-512 (4.9 Mo)

Gordon J, Barrance A, Schreckenberg K. 2001. Tree Diversity Conservation in Mesoamerican Dry Forest: a briefing paper for international conservation agencies.
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IUCN Standards and Petitions Working Group. 2010. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 8.1. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Working Group of the IUCN SSC Biodiversity Assessments Sub-Committee in August 2010.
Web Page |  alternative copy (493 Ko)

Janzen DH. 1986. Blurry catastrophes. Oikos 47:1–2.
Web Page | alternative copy

Jarvis DI, Myer L, Klemick H, Guarino L, Smale M, Brown AHD, Sadiki M, Sthapit B, Hodgkin T. 2000. A Training Guide for In Situ Conservation On-farm. Version 1. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Web Page |  alternative copy (3.8 Mo)

McNeely JA, Schroth G. 2006. Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation - traditional practices, present dynamics, and lessons for the future. Biodiversity and Conservation 15:549–554.
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FAO, DFSC, IPGRI. 2001. Forest genetic resources conservation and management. Vol. 2: In managed natural forests and protected areas (in situ). International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Web Page |  alternative copy (1.4 Mo)

FAO, FLD, IPGRI. 2004a. Forest genetic resources conservation and management. Vol. 1: Overview, concepts and some systematic approaches. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Web Page |  alternative copy (714 Ko)

FAO, FLD, IPGRI. 2004b. Forest genetic resources conservation and management. Vol. 3: In plantations and genebanks (ex situ). International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
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